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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Testing, Testing, Chemicals In A Tube~

(Is this thing even on?)
(ugh, i can never understand technology)

Picture My Life: Some things (ahem, technology) that I never figure out to use. (I might be pretending that torchlight is my microphone, but man, please appreciate creativeness!)
Basically, this is my first post.
Technically, this is not the first one.

I had another blog before this (that I had updated like 40 times), and now it's gone! Yeah, I deleted it. The main reason is that there were some technical mistakes that I can't fix on some of my posts - that made me angry (I get angry easily, I wonder if I have mood swings...). I crave for perfection, even if I know it doesn't exist, that's a fact, but you can't completely blame me! Blame the one who started it all - *a website that enables me to download blogger templates which I am not going to mention it's name because I'm a very nice person(as if)*. Wow, that took a mouthful of air! Anyway, the story goes like this:

I download a template.

I use the template.

The template crashed my blog.

I'm so innocent.

So now I'm not going to download any templates ever, for the sake of my blog! Why do everything need to be formatted!? I'm just going to stick to Blogger's Design Template tool (or whatever you call it), and you know what? I find it quite handy (love the designs!). Oh, and those of who doesn't know about this - I don't usually post posts that are very long, like this one! I'm just doing this for the joy of my fingers!

There you have it my new blog and my not-so-first-post!

Well, that was a little too many words for my not-so-first-post.

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